Automated control and management systems from IJI IT GROUP

Business Process Management Systems (BPM)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Eco-system Intelligent Enterprise Managing (IEM)

Automating user worksplaces (AWP) - simple solutions to complex problems!

IJI IT GROUP is a developer of a multifunctional construction platform that offers off-the-shelf and industry-specific tools for automating any managerial business processes and personnel functions.
IJI IT GROUP also develops and implements automated information management systems (ACS) for enterprises, institutions, organizations of various forms of ownership for individual orders.
We take into account the specifics of each enterprise individually.
We take into account the individual characteristics of the business processes of the enterprise.
We take into account the existing relations of business organization and other possible features.

Automated control systems are an opportunity for you to be above the system of work of your enterprise and manage it, and not be inside it and be its hostage.

Automated control systems from IJI IT GROUP are synchronized for data exchange (export-import of data) with other systems used in enterprises. For example, 1C-Accounting, Google accounts, CRM systems, Excel, mail accounts, IP telephony, etc.
ACS from IJI IT GROUP is a synthesis of technical solutions of software products of CRM, ERP-systems and other systems of planning, control and management of business processes. This is the eco-system your's Intelligently Managed Enterprise (IEM).

Get online access to the demo version of the BPM-system 3.0 from IJI IT GROUP

What is CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM, CRM-system) – it is software that:

  • automates the processes of interaction between a company's employees, as well as with customers and suppliers (contractors);
  • boosts sales;
  • saves staff time and resources of the enterprise;
  • facilitates, accelerates, optimizes the management decisions;
  • takes into account the interests of customers, improve relationships with them;
  • increases the profits of the enterprise.

Do you need CRM

  • You still do not have a common database of its customers, potential customers, suppliers, partners, competitors, and the like?
  • Continue to maintain records in a notebook or different files?
  • Not own operational information in real time about what is currently engaged your employees, what plans each company as a whole and on the day, week, month, year?
  • What are the results of meetings, negotiations, business trips, participation in exhibitions and other contacts with contractors?
  • Do not know which of your counterparty, what, when, how much and on what terms ordered from your company, or what kind of products is going to put you?
  • Want to know at what stage are your tasks, applications received, approved projects or carry out transactions?
  • Want to control the presence of mandatory primary documents: bills, contract / contracts, acts / false?
  • Do not have a central repository of files with a constant online access to them?
  • Can not provide access to the information needed by your client or partner?
  • Has no information about incoming and outgoing mail in the enterprise?
  • Interested in time and attendance of employees?
  • There is a need at any time to own the company's financial information: bank account, cash, investments and loans?
  • Continues to incur unforeseen expenses and to experience other disadvantages in the work?

CRM-system of IJI IT GROUP will answer all questions and optimize relationships with customers of your company.


Benefits of CRM-system from IJI IT GROUP

  1. Easy to install, configure and use. Intuitive organization of the main sections and their relationships.
  2. Allows you to configure, monitor and manage not only the processes of your company's sales and production and supply needed for your enterprise.
  3. Ability to connect a large number of jobs.
  4. Variants of installation and use, both on the local and on the virtual server.
  5. Is adapted for operation on personal computers, including tablets and mobile phones.
  6. Provides access to the necessary information company 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7/365).
  7. Designed based on the practical experience of more than 100 enterprises. Corresponds to the real business processes.
  8. The optimal price-quality.

Objectives implementation of CRM-systems

  • Help implement the goods and services on the market that meet the needs of consumers
  • Improve customer service
  • Optimize customer relationships
  • Retain existing customers and attract new ones
  • More effectively to sell the company's products
  • Improve staff efficiency
  • Increase profitability of the business.

CRM-system of IJI IT GROUP will help in achieving the goals.

Reasons for the development and implementation of CRM in enterprises.

  • Internet technologies allow for a second go at the competitor's site and compare deals
  • Customers have the opportunity to access a wealth of information for different markets, products, and producers, making them difficult choice
  • Information technology provides a low cost of storage, handling and use of information for customer interaction
  • Over time, the range of industrial goods and services expands, it requires an individual approach to each client in order to attract new partners involved in the development and creation of new products
  • Competition in many market segments is extremely high, and the important issue is not so much to attract new customers, retain existing much.

CRM-system of IJI IT GROUP will provide individual attention and keep customers on your enterprise.

Clients - the main asset of the company

  1. Most Fortune 500 companies lose 50% of their customers every five years.
  2. A satisfied customer will tell about their buying an average of five friends, unhappy - at least 10 minutes.
  3. Most customers "pays" for only one year of working with them. If a customer is lost before the expiration of this term, it carries the company's losses.
  4. Increasing the percentage of customer retention by 5% leads to an increase in the company's profits in the range of 25-55%.
  5. About 50% of existing customers of the company unprofitable due to inefficient interaction with them.
  6. The seller is required, at least 10 calls to potential clients to sell their goods, and only 2-3 call to existing customers.
  7. Usually companies want to contact an average of 4 times per year with existing clients, and six times a year with potential new.
  8. CRM products increase company profits by tens of percent and profitability of projects - from 200 to 800% within 2-3 years.

Facts eloquently highlights the need for CRM in the enterprise.

In the fight for customers in market conditions, the company should stand out among the other competitors and offer a unique approach to each client, taking into account their individual needs.

In this sense, the CRM is a strategic tool that enhances the quality of interaction with customers and business profits by increasing market share.


Main sections of the CRM-system of IJI IT GROUP

  • Scheduler - calendar, tasks and events board for each employee of the enterprise and the enterprise as a whole.
  • Database - lists of contractors company, the contact information of their employees, staffing employees of your company, lists of goods, works, services offered and required for your enterprise.
  • Business processes - application projects deal.
  • Documents - registry accounts, contracts, certificates / invoices file repository.
  • Finance - accounting of cash flows of the enterprise (coming-flow-over): bank account, cash, investments, and loans.
  • Reports - on demand, the transactions by employees, by counterparty, by time and maturity. Report card time and attendance of employees.
  • Correspondence - electronic magazine Registry incoming-outgoing correspondence to the company, as well as sharing service intrasystemic messages between employees.
  • The company - a summary of the enterprise as a whole, as well as automatic construction company structure by a unique system of assigning individual codes to employees.
  • Administration - a user logs into the system, the formation of groups access to sections of CRM, setting access levels.


Interface of some modules of BPM system 3.0 from IJI IT GROUP



External application form - contactless work on receiving and placing orders online


External form for conducting any online surveys
The ability to conduct online surveys of respondents.
Construction of statistical and analytical reports based on the information received.

External online survey form.


Additional plug-ins for contactless customer interaction:
1. IP-telephony from StreamTelecom (Call-center), with the possibility of free calls for calls; answering machine; recording of conversations, etc.

2. SMS-mailing;
3. News aggregator.


Online advertising matching module for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Adv, etc.


Related posts
quick view of the list of customers and related records with the selected counterparty


Geodata - the ability to fix the geolocation of an object, employee, place of delivery, etc.

Built-in barcode and QR code generator - the ability to quickly jump to the desired entry in the system


Gantt chart - monitoring the progress of the order, delivery, batch by stages of the transaction



Prompt, easy and simple accounting of cash flows for the selected period
(balance at the beginning of the period - income - expense - balance at the end of the period; for all currencies and accounting points)


An example of a custom form for creating a post


The opportunity for the head of the department to assign a responsible employee to a task, a business process, to establish a status, a stage, plan a deadline, record the fact of completion for each stage, evaluate the result of work and tasks performed by personnel.

Automatic monitoring of overdue tasks; automatic notifications of changes in general records; the ability to set a reminder for a scheduled event.

Sending a list of tasks by email to an unregistered user of the system.


Accounts, Contracts, Acts / Invoices, Files.
The ability to keep records of received invoices; concluded contracts; received certificates / invoices; control the status of payment of bills, conclusion of contracts, availability of primary documentation.
Placement of files in the system by purpose:
Instructions, memos; Promotional materials; Juristic documents; Archival accounting and so on.


Electronic logs of registration of Incoming / Outgoing / Internal correspondence / Appeals of citizens / Electronic resolutions / Agreements and Approval, according to the requirements of the Instruction for office work

Журнальна форма реєстрації пропозицій, заяв і скарг та обліку особистого прийому громадян допускається в організаціях з річним обсягом надходження до 600 пропозицій, заяв та скарг і такою ж кількістю звернень громадян на особистому прийомі.
(Абзац 2 п.2 Інструкції з діловодства за зверненнями громадян в органах державної влади і місцевого самоврядування, об'єднаннях громадян, на підприємствах, в установах, організаціях незалежно від форм власності, в засобах масової інформації, затвердженої постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 14 квітня 1997 р. № 348)


Personnel - employees
A module for creating a database of employees with key contact and other necessary information about them.
The amount of necessary information is generated independently or can be imported into the system from other sources.
A set of module sections.


Automatic construction of the organizational structure of enterprise management


Personnel working time tracking

The module of reporting and analytical information about records in the system, about user actions.

The ability to independently model data in the form of analytical reports according to the specified parameters (analogue of Excel Pivot Tables)


Messenger - built-in system chat with the possibility of group correspondence, building communication chains, adding files to messages, and interrelation of correspondence with target records in the system


Administration system for access to information for various local user groups


Register your Local System (LS) yourself from IJI IT GROUP at this link: https://bpm.mirimc.com.
Select the BPM-Enterprise configuration at the bottom of the LS registration form.

If you need to automate or customize business processes, please contact us:

+380(50)380-14-56, +380(63)205-84-81 .

Cost and additional services for the BPM-system of IJI IT GROUP*

The main supply (BPM 3.0) - $ 5 per 1 workstation (user) per month.
Other individual tariff plans are possible.
Technical support - from 360 USD / year.
Server rental - from 840 US dollars / year.

Customization (individual development by the Customer) :
Express-examination of business processes - 1200 USD.
Modeling System - 1200 USD.
Design - 2500 USD.
Development - 4000 USD.
Implementation - 2000 USD.
* - The specified base price, which may vary according to the results of the survey.

Challenges to the successful implementation of CRM-system in the enterprise

  • Provide access to information for all employees
  • Allocate responsibilities between the staff in the hierarchy of control
  • Task scheduling and control of their implementation
  • Combine all streams of incoming information - telephone, email, fax, verbal agreements
  • Provide access to information about the company - documents, contracts, telephone and verbal agreements, email addresses
  • Close contact with customers
  • Organize the management and control of the relationship with contractors
  • Organize marketing management - grouping the interests of clients, routing client requests by type of incoming information, telemarketing (reflection of trends in the demand for goods)
  • Collect contact information: address, phone numbers, contact persons, the account of the results of negotiations
  • The form for easy data entry
  • The classification of information for analysis.

Online access to the demo version of BPM-system 3.0 from IJI IT GROUP

Download PPT CRM 2.0 from IJI IT GROUP.

ACS - automated control and management systems.

AWP - automation of user workplaces.
This is a software solution that automates the work of your employees, including task scheduler and event clientele, database products and services company, accounting projects, transactions, contracts to which the employee participate, sharing, accounting of incoming and outgoing correspondence, exchange of internal corporate messaging and more integrated into the overall enterprise information system.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) – customer relationship management; interaction model, believing that the center of the whole business philosophy is the client and the main activities are measures to support effective marketing, sales and customer service.
CRM-system primarily designed for sales teams, supply and marketing, as well as for managers and senior management predpritiya. 

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) – enterprise resource planning.
This is a program for the integrated management of the enterprises. In these programs is conducted accounting and financial planning, production and storage, sales and marketing, personnel management.

IEM (Intelligent Enterprise Managing) – an intelligently managed enterprise. Integrity, isolation, orderliness, symmetry, universality. A new generation of controlled, self-regulating systems.

We develop and sale automated control and management systems software for your business development.


  • ITS - Директор

    Компанія IJI IT GROUP не тільки розробила CRM-систему, а і провела тренінги для персоналу, підготувала Інструкції, надала інформаційну підтримку.

  • Газинвестпроект - Директор

    Ми получили полный комплекс услуг, связанный с созданием веб-сайта "с нуля".

  • Альянс Энерго Трейд - Директор

    Рекомендуємо компанію IJI IT GROUP як виконавця робіт, пов’язаних з розробкою і модернізацією сайтів.



+380 (63) 205-84-81
+380 (50) 380-14-56

E-mail: inbox@ijigroup.com


